How Long Have You Been Trying to Learn About Birds?

When you think about your BIRDING SKILLS, do you ever say:

I Don't Know Where to Begin

There’s so much information out there, it’s overwhelming to know where to begin.

I've Tried Everything

Trust me!!!  I’ve listened to all of the recordings, read all the books, heard lectures with experts; but nothing ever seems to make a difference.

I Just Wasn't Born With That Gift

Birding is a talent that only certain people are born with.  I really needed to start when I was a kid if I wanted to have any chance of being good at it.

What's The Point

I just don’t think I’ll get any better then I am now!!
Actually, you can


and it doesn’t have to take you a lifetime?




No matter how old you are, where you live, how much prior experience you have… this course will TAKE YOUR SKILLS to the next level!

Not only am I living proof, just ask my students, most of whom started when they were over 50.


Have You Ever Wanted To Know A Bird By
~ the flick of its tail

~ the signature swoop it makes in flight

~ its distinctive silhouette atop a far off tree

Becoming the MASTERFUL BIRDER you always wanted to be

is totally accessible to you!

Presenting the ULTIMATE online bird mentoring program….

10x More Confidence

You’ll become 10x more confident as a backyard birder, even when you are only HALFWAY through the program.  Just like Andrea from the video.

Real Relationships with the Birds

This is an experience-based, hands-on learning system.  You won’t just read about the birds, you’ll get outside and begin building intimate relationships with them in your own backyard.

No More Information Overload

This self-paced online training cuts through the birding information overload, and gives you the tools to handle any birding mystery like a pro.

Peace in Your Life

Most of us have been told we need to slow down and take more time to smell the flowers, right?  Well, the activities in this course are intentionally designed to reconnect you with the natural rhythms of life.
You’ll Experience it! Grow from it! Be Supported by it!!

Each lesson is concise and only takes a few minutes to read.

The best systematic approach to learning about birds!

Do as many lessons as you have time for.


It isn’t about memorizing random bird facts ~ it’s about building a personal repertoire of experiences and stories that you can continue to draw from year after year.

If you don’t like to learn on the computer, not a problem….a Printable PDF comes with each module so you can read from a printed page instead.

Founder & Course Facilitator,  Kristi Dranginis
Kristi has been a birder for over 20 years.

Kristi is the founder, a hub for resources and courses to help people all around the world build confidence learning about birds and the natural world. Kristi has been known for igniting curiosity, child-like passion and building confidence in her students.

She leads birding courses at traditional skills events like Rabbit Stick, Winter Count, Saskatoon Circle and for organizations like the Boulder Outdoor Survival School, the Women’s Wilderness Institute, Fort Lewis College & The Powerhouse Science Center.

Kristi is a collaborator on the Dipper Project, studying the effects of the Gold King Mine spill on bird life in Colorado.  She also leads tours for the Bosque del Apache Sandhill Crane Festival, Mesa Verde Bird Festival and the Durango Bird Club.  She has volunteered at bird banding projects on Great Gull Island, focusing on the Roseate & Common Terns, as well as migratory birds at Oxbow Preserve and hummingbirds at Mesa Verde National Park.

What Are Your Alternatives?


You Could Hire A Personal Birding Coach

You Could Participate in a Week-long Course

You Could Do It All For Free


These ideas are AWESOME!

I get a lot of fulfillment learning from other BIRD NERDS in beautiful locations around the world and have picked up really helpful birding tips just by searching the internet.

The only downside I’ve found, is that these options either require a substantial investment of my time or my money.



For the price of a Katz’s pastrami sandwich . . .


 Just $19.95/month


You get Bird Mentor’s proven approach

to learning about birds.


Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?


Join The Bird Mentor Family Today!

Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Know Someone


Who could ask you just the right questions,

Who could help guide you in the areas you were struggling in,

Then lead you to find your own answers?


Well, you can!!!


Using Bird Mentor’s 7 QUESTIONS TO BIRD IDENTIFICATION as your foundation

and a HIGHLY SKILLED MENTOR as your guide,

becoming a MASTERFUL birder is completely within reach!!!

Here’s What You Get . . .

A Guided Learning System

A step-by-step guided learning model with curriculum that keeps building on itself the deeper you go.

8 Unique Modules

Each module is packed with lessons, videos, activities and resources about size, shape, posture, behavior, field marks, habitat, sound and bird language. 

Each progressive module guides you ever deeper down the path toward mastery.

Click here to see what you’ll learn in each module.

Weekly Field Exercises

These get you outside and into the natural world to practice and experience, first hand, the lessons you are learning from the course, thus deepening your knowledge and intimate experience with the birds of your bioregion.

Group Mentoring Phone Sessions

Yes, That’s right!  A real live personmore specifically a highly skilled Bird Mentor, will be available for an hour long coaching session each week to answer all of those questions you’ve always wanted answers to (related to birds of course). 

The group calls are great! Not only do you receive support throughout your journey, you also get to learn from other student’s experiences.

Motivational E-mails & Videos

Keep you engaged, inspired and on track while you learn everything you’ve ever wanted to about birds.

Deep Nature Connection

The absolute heart of the course. Every module takes you deeper and deeper into the 8 Shields Mentoring Model, an ancient discipline of Deep Nature Connection that expands your capacity to know the world around you by invoking your innate aptitude to learn from nature itself.

Self-Paced Study

Whether you want to cruise through each module or work on them a little here and there as time allows, self-paced study enables you to set the pace.

The Bird Mentor Community

Connect with bird nerds all over the world on the Bird Mentor Facebook page. Ask the questions that you’ve been itching to ask, learn from the experiences of other birders or simply reach out to folks in your area.

I have been interested in birds most of my life, but  without a lot of knowledge. A few years ago I got to a place where I really wanted to go deeper.   Kristi’s Advanced Skills for Beginning Birders course came along at just the right time. I wasn’t sure at first if I wanted to commit the time and resources to it, but the structure and support  was just what I needed to help deepen my knowledge and observational skills. I found participating in the group mentoring sessions to be a key aspect to keep me motivated and enthused. Kristi supports her students through questions, stories and guided activities to approach bird learning as an adventure.

Deanna N.

Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Kristi, you have given me such joy.  In my own way I am concentrating on bird songs now.  Thank you sooo much for my intensified hobby.
Deetsie Herbine

Bird Lover, 90 years old

You taught me how to learn about birds, not just bird facts.

Elyse K.

Retired Family Dentist, Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Brings a meticulous system of observation to the art of birding that I haven’t seen with other expert birders.

Dwight F.

Accountant, Durango CO

When you join Advanced Skills for Beginning Birders,                                         you get instant access to your course.
Advanced Skills for Beginning Birders contains 56 unique lessons and 62 interactive activities in 8 separate modules.   As soon as you complete one module, the next one is available right away.
What folks love about this online course?
  • You learn at your own pace.
  • You never lose access to the site as long as you are a member.
  • All future updates and upgrades are free.
  • You get full printable PDF’s for each module.
  • New videos and audio files are being added all the time.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

You have 60 days to try Advanced Skills for Beginning Birders.  If it’s not for you, just ask for a full refund.

If you’d like to learn about birds