Do You Have a Foot Fetish Too??

Do You Have a Foot Fetish Too??

Do You Have a Foot Fetish Too??

Really!!!  Feet are awesome!! Bird feet are anyway.

How well do you know the foot of a bird?  What can their feet tell you about them?  Entire epics actually!!

A snowy winter day is the perfect time to join Kristi as she shares 5  of the core concepts of bird tracking.
She’ll also tell you her favorite resources for becoming more adept at tracking birds & other wildlife.

Click on the little bird

to learn more about my


5 Days to Bird Song course

Does it Hop or Does it Walk? . . . . That is the question.

Does it Hop or Does it Walk? . . . . That is the question.

Does it Hop or Does it Walk? . . . . That is the question.

How often do you pay attention to the gait of a bird?  Does it really matter?

Yes!! Actually!!  Sometimes it can even mean the difference between …….

well, a sparrow & an uncommon species ;-).

Check out this week’s “Bird Walk” video to hear more about why this aspect of bird behavior is important, as well as a story about how one of my students wow’ed the rest of us during this year’s Audubon Christmas Bird Count.

Click on the little bird

to learn more about my


5 Days to Bird Song course

Are Field Guides Going Extinct?

Are Field Guides Going Extinct?

Are Field Guides Going Extinct?

Are our trusted field guides going the way of the Dodo?  Are apps really a better tool for learning more about birds?

Come see what Kristi has to say about this topic in today’s video.

Leave a comment below to weigh in on this topic.

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Are Master Birders Really Just Magicians in Disguise?

Are Master Birders Really Just Magicians in Disguise?

Are Master Birders Really Just Magicians in Disguise?

Seriously!!!  How do they do it??

I’m sure you’ve seen this before:
A bird flies by and a split second later the master birder you’re with says, “That was a Red-breasted Merganser”.  And you think to yourself, “OK, sure…. but we hardly saw it, how did you know that’s what it was?”

Check out today’s “Bird Walk” video to find out one of the magic tricks the master birders use to identify birds in the blink of an eye.

Leave a comment below and tell me what diagnostic bird behaviors have noticed in your neighborhood?.

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When to Feed the Birds, Oh the Controversy

When to Feed the Birds, Oh the Controversy

When to Feed the Birds, Oh the Controversy

Is it OK to feed the birds in the summer?  How about the spring?  Should we be feeding them at all?

Check out this weeks video to hear what Kristi has to say about this topic.  She’ll help you navigate the world of opinions related to this topic.

Leave a comment below to weigh in on this topic and let me know what you think.

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