“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
~Old Parable
The essence of this parable comprises the three guiding principles of Bird Mentor
1. Give people tools to learn how to identify and deeply connect with birds.
2. Teach people how to keep learning on their own.
3. Foster life enhancing experiences.
Once you know how to learn, the world is your oyster as they say.

Here’s a message I received from one of my students, Andrea Avantagio, owner of Maria’s Bookshop, while she was in Maine on a family vacation:
“Lots of great bird sightings in Maine- fun to get to dig into my book to figure out what they were…thanks again for the tools- my life will never be the same…just so you know!!!”
By practicing the intuitively-based systematic approach to identifying birds that you’ll learn with Bird Mentor, you’ll not only know what to do when you see a bird you’ve never seen before, you’ll also know how to observe the bird without causing it to flush and take flight!
“It wasn’t until I learned how to learn that the door to the natural world opened up for me.” ~Kristi