Where Did He Go?

Where Did He Go?

Where Did He Go?

Have you noticed how quiet it’s gotten lately?

Even just a few weeks ago I feel like I was hearing bird song every morning, but not anymore.

When did that actually happen?

Despite the near silence in the mornings now, there are a few new voices who have shown up to greet the dawn with their lyrics.

Leave a comment below to let me know which two birds have either arrived in the last week or left your area.

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How I Got to See My First Chestnut-sided Warbler

How I Got to See My First Chestnut-sided Warbler

How I Got to See My First Chestnut-sided Warbler

Recently I was visiting Connecticut and was lucky enough to hear and see a Chestnut-sided Warbler one evening.

Although, I was close to passing it by.

I have to thank the Yellow Warbler, my Ambassador Bird, for helping to make the moment possible.

Check out todays video to hear the full story.

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Have You Reached a Plateau with Birding?

Have You Reached a Plateau with Birding?

Have You Reached a Plateau with Birding?

Do you feel as though you’ve reached a plateau with your birding skills?

Are you looking for new ways to challenge yourself or take your birding skills to the next level?

In today’s video I’ll share a challenge I recently gave myself that really helped to bump my birding game up a notch.

In the comment section below tell me what bird family you chose and your guess about this weeks mystery bird.

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All I See is The Bird’s Silhouette, What Should I Do Now?

All I See is The Bird’s Silhouette, What Should I Do Now?

All I See is The Bird’s Silhouette, What Should I Do Now?

What do you do when all you have to work with is the silhouette of a bird?

No colors, no sounds, no markings.

Master birders know that by learning bird behavior, combined with size and shape, you’ll tap in to one of the best ways to help distinguish one species from another.

Using behavior, size and shape as your clues, let me know which bird I was describing today?

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Is Spring Migration an Intimidating Experience For You?

Is Spring Migration an Intimidating Experience For You?

Is Spring Migration an Intimidating Experience For You?

With new migrants arriving every day, some rare and some not so rare… it can be really intimidating as a beginning birder (even as an experienced birder) to know who you are looking at this time of year.

Not to worry.

In today’s video, I’ll share a helpful tip to get you solidly grounded in what you need to do the next time you spot a new bird in your neighborhood.

Click the video below to check it out.

Leave a comment below to let me know what bird you think we saw.

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