How to Learn Bird Calls ~ Crow v/s Raven

How to Learn Bird Calls ~ Crow v/s Raven

How to Learn Bird Calls ~ Crow v/s Raven

Ever wish you could tell the difference between a crow and a raven call?  It’s a bit easier than you may think.

Today I’ll share a few tips about how to tell the difference between their voices as well as their appearance.

There is a sweet moment in the video where they actually showed up (vocally that is), as if on cue. 

Leave a comment below to let me know how it goes for you.

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Do You Really Want to Become a Better Birder?

Do You Really Want to Become a Better Birder?

Do You Really Want to Become a Better Birder?

A lot of people talk about wanting to improve their birding skills and try all sorts of tips and tricks to do so.

What I’m going to share with you today may feel a little edgy and disconcerting at first, but it is honestly one of the best things you can do to become a better birder…. and a better observer of life in general.

Leave a comment below to tell me what bird you think I was describing.


AND…. If you’d like to learn more about the week-long birding course in Boulder, UT this spring click the button below.

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The Spectacles of Bird Migration

The Spectacles of Bird Migration

The Spectacles of Bird Migration

The spectacles of nature that take place in the fall may be some of the most stunning of any time of year.

Leaves transform from variations of green into every possible shade of color imaginable, foods with the capacity to remain viable for months in the form of nuts, seeds, roots, and gourds are in abundance, and the sky carries the other-worldly spectacles of massive flocks of birds gathering to roost on their way south.

Check out today’s video to hear more about three spectacles of bird migration that are accessible to most people for just a few short weeks this time of year.

Leave a comment below to share your fall migration spectacle stories.

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Birds Know What’s Up in the Forest

Birds Know What’s Up in the Forest

Birds Know What’s Up in the Forest

Bird songs and calls offer a key to the secret world of nature.

Almost all times of the day the sounds of bird songs and calls fill the air throughout the spring, summer and fall. After a long winter most people get really excited to hear the return of bird songs once again. Though, somewhere around the middle of summer the bird songs and calls almost become background music, virtually unnoticed by most.

If you let this happen, you might be missing out on some of the most wonderful and surprising moments the natural world has to offer.

Today’s video offers a little inspiration about how to prevent bird songs and calls from becoming merely background music.

Leave a comment below to let me know what you’ve seen.

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How Did The Turkey Vulture Turn Into a Bald Eagle?

How Did The Turkey Vulture Turn Into a Bald Eagle?

How Did The Turkey Vulture Turn Into a Bald Eagle?

A few weeks ago I was sitting on the bank of the river when I witnessed something that can only be described as magic.  The Turkey Vulture that I’d seen soaring up river transformed into a Bald Eagle right in front of my eyes.

How did this happen?

Check out today’s video to hear what transpired.

Has this ever happened to you?  Leave a comment below and tell me your story.

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