Seriously The BEST Time to See Kinglets
Seriously The BEST Time to See Kinglets
I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was nourishing.
Before I left for my family’s house on Thursday to partake in the eating of copious amounts of food, I headed out for a run to my favorite wetland. Despite it being super windy, I heard a few kinglets calling and felt inspired to make a short video for you.
You see, normally, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet and the Golden-crowned Kinglets can be quite challenging to see. This is because, in addition to being so quick and little, they spend much of their year very high up in the trees.
In fact, it took me 2 whole years to spot my first kinglet after learning what it sounded like.
But, all hope is not lost and it’s really not as hard as it seems to see them. It just takes the right time of year, a few layers, an indomitable spirit and a warm mug of tea/coffee if you have one.
Check out the video below to hear more.
P.S. … If you are looking for a bird nerd gift this holiday season, come check out www.birdmentor.com to pick up my new FREE book, Identify Any Bird Anywhere.