Seriously The BEST Time to See Kinglets

Seriously The BEST Time to See Kinglets

Seriously The BEST Time to See Kinglets

I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was nourishing.

Before I left for my family’s house on Thursday to partake in the eating of copious amounts of food, I headed out for a run to my favorite wetland.  Despite it being super windy, I heard a few kinglets calling and felt inspired to make a short video for you.

You see, normally, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet and the Golden-crowned Kinglets can be quite challenging to see. This is because, in addition to being so quick and little, they spend much of their year very high up in the trees.

In fact, it took me 2 whole years to spot my first kinglet after learning what it sounded like.

But, all hope is not lost and it’s really not as hard as it seems to see them.  It just takes the right time of year, a few layers, an indomitable spirit and a warm mug of tea/coffee if you have one.

Check out the video below to hear more.


P.S. … If you are looking for a bird nerd gift this holiday season, come check out to pick up my new FREE book, Identify Any Bird Anywhere.

How to Find Warblers During Migration

How to Find Warblers During Migration

How to Find Warblers During Migration

If you’ve ever tried to find a warbler during migration you know it can be pretty tough. Right?

Well, in my video today I have a tip that most birders don’t think of right way that can make your warbler searching super simple, even beginners can find them. 

Leave a comment below to let me know what birds you’ve seen sheperding the warblers through the forest.

One Action Every Beginning Birder Can Take to Improve Their Skills.

One Action Every Beginning Birder Can Take to Improve Their Skills.

One Action Every Beginning Birder Can Take to Improve Their Skills.

People are always asking me what they can do to improve their skills as a birder. Some things take time, and even years to learn. Other things, like this tip I’m going to share in today’s video, are super simple and something anyone can do.

In addition to helping you to become a better birder, it will also build your confidence and self-reliance, so you don’t need to rely on the experts all the time.

Click this link to check out these and my other favorite birding guides, as well as a host of other cool books about birds.

How to Feed Birds in the Winter, Without Having to Buy Loads of Birdseed

How to Feed Birds in the Winter, Without Having to Buy Loads of Birdseed

How to Feed Birds in the Winter, Without Having to Buy Loads of Birdseed

Not only can bird seed be expensive after a while it can get pretty messy, calling in all sorts of critters like rodents and even bear. So, what’s a bird lover to do when they really want to offer a little extra nourishment to the birds over the colder months?

Check out today’s video to hear more.

Can’t Recognize That Bird Song?

Can’t Recognize That Bird Song?

Can’t Recognize That Bird Song?

What do you do when you can’t tell the difference between one bird song and another?

 Plug your ears?

Shrug your shoulders and walk away? 


In today’s video I share 4 TIPS to help you know what to do the next time you hear a bird song you don’t recognize, so you don’t have to just throw your hands up in the air in frustration.


Apologies for the loud creek in the background and the awfully bright day. Since they were both more appreciated than not, I decided to keep shooting. I hope you’ll understand.

Click the link below to join the Bird Song Waitlist.

Apologies for the loud creek in the background and the awfully bright day. Since they were both more appreciated than not, I decided to keep shooting. I hope you’ll understand.

To learn even more Advanced Skills for Beginning Birders check out the Bird Mentor website at:

Thank you to the generous folks who share their work on, especially:
1. XC407827 – Black-capped Chickadee – Jim Berry
2. XC173954 – Eastern Phoebe – Jorge de Leon Cardozo & Susan Hochgraf
3. XC277025 – Spotted Towhee – greg Irving
4. XC190477 – Grey Catbird – Krzysztof Deoniziak