Got the Winter Birding Blues?  How Ducks can Help!

Got the Winter Birding Blues? How Ducks can Help!

Got the Winter Birding Blues? How Ducks can Help!

Feeling a little sad that your favorite summer songbirds have gone to warmer climates?   Well, winter in North America doesn’t have to give you the Birding Blues.

Check out this week’s video to hear how ducks can help cure the Blues and a few tips to improve your ID skills.

Leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite duck is.

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Birds Outside Their Comfort Zone.  What does it mean??

Birds Outside Their Comfort Zone. What does it mean??

Birds Outside Their Comfort Zone. What does it mean??

What does it mean when you discover a flock of Wild Turkeys high up in a tree in the middle of the day?

Birds are most well known for their vocal abilities.  But, might they also be communicating subtle messages to us through their body language? 

Leave a comment below to share one of your stories about when you noticed a bird outside its comfort zone.

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