When you think about your BIRDING EXPERIENCE, do you ever say:
I Don’t Know Where To Begin
There’s so much information out there, it can get overwhelming sometimes.
I’ve Tried Everything
I’ve watched the videos, read the books, attended bird walks with experts; but nothing ever seems to stick.
I Started Too Late In Life
I should have started when I was a kid if I wanted to have any chance of being good at it.
Well, you can transform your birding skills
and it doesn’t have to take you a lifetime
Deepen your connection and take your BIRD ID skills to the next level with this friendly nature connected approach to learning birds.
What people are saying
Kristi has enabled me to open my eyes and ears more fully and thus more fully appreciate these beautiful and interesting feathered neighbors . . . and in turn all of nature. You taught me HOW to learn about birds not just bird facts.
My life is richer for having taken this class.
Elyse Klingener
Kristi walks a very graceful line between letting you learn to answer your own questions and providing direction so you can do that. And sometimes she just gives you the answer, which is great, too. I loved the class!
Lee Verner
I can’t tell you, Kristi, how much your class has brought me this spring. It’s opened a whole new world to me, and has just been spiritually fulfilling and emotionally enriching. You are a gem.
Shelley Silbert
I can’t tell you, Kristi, how much your class has brought me this spring. It’s opened a whole new world to me, and has just been spiritually fulfilling and emotionally enriching. You are a gem.
Shelley Silbert
A girl who fell in love with a bird’s song.

I am the founder of Bird Mentor, a resource for live and online courses helping people worldwide build confidence learning about birds and the natural world. Through my courses, students are immersed in the principles of instinctive birding, deep nature connection, bird language, and my innovative model for advanced bird identification.
In addition to my online courses I teach birding at traditional skills events like Rabbit Stick, Winter Count, Saskatoon Circle, Buckeye, Sharpening Stone and for amazing organizations like the Boulder Outdoor Survival School, The Women’s Wilderness Institute, Crow Canyon Archeological Center, The Vermont Wilderness School, Flanders Nature Center, Eight Shields and The Powerhouse Science Center.
A few years ago I helped to found the Dipper Project, a research study designed to look at the effects of the Gold King Mine spill on avian life in the Animas River in Colorado. I’ve also lead tours for the Bosque del Apache Sandhill Crane Festival, Mesa Verde Bird Festival, the Durango Bird Club and The White Memorial Conservation Center.
During a real bird nerd phase, I helped to band birds on Great Gull Island, focusing on the Roseate & Common Terns, as well as migratory birds at Oxbow Preserve and hummingbirds at Mesa Verde National Park.
In addition to geeking out about birds, I’m also a Naturalist, Herbalist, and Photographer and made contributions to the new Peterson’s Field Guide to Bird Nests and ABA’s Birder’s Guide.
I love receiving your stories and questions if you have any. So, please send me a message whenever you like.
Kristi Dranginis
You Get To Know Things Better When They Go By Slow
~Poi Dog Pondering.