I love a good bird mystery!

When nature provides a glimpse into the secret life of a bird, it’s just so dang fun to try and figure out what’s going on or who it is.

Maybe I was a detective in a past life or distantly related to Sherlock Holmes or the main character from the beloved book series, The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency. 😉

Sometimes all we get is a feather, a track, a song, or the fleeting glimpse of the side of a bird. What ever it is…A good mystery if fun.

So, this week I thought I share one of my favorite mysteries with you.

I came across it last year when I was out on a run.
While I was trying to figure it out, I created 2 videos to share with folks.

If you’d like to give it a go for yourself…
Click the images above. Start with the first one.

They’ll take you to my Instagram page. Click the sound icon 🔊 on the bottom right when you get there, to turn sound on.

If you enjoy the mystery, be sure to subscribe to the page for more. I love new followers! 💕

See you next time


Cultivating Deep Nature Connection, Mentoring Bird Lovers, and Teaching Game-changing Skills

Front cover of Identify Any Bird Anywhere Book

Take Your Passion to the Next Level

A girl who fell in love with a bird’s song.

I am the founder of Bird Mentor, a resource for live and online courses helping people worldwide build confidence learning about birds and the natural world. Through my courses, students are immersed in the principles of instinctive birding, deep nature connection, bird language, and my innovative model for advanced bird identification.

In addition to my online courses I teach birding at traditional skills events like Rabbit Stick, Winter Count, Saskatoon Circle, Buckeye, Sharpening Stone and for amazing organizations like the Boulder Outdoor Survival School, The Women’s Wilderness Institute, Crow Canyon Archeological Center, The Vermont Wilderness School, Flanders Nature Center, Eight Shields and The Powerhouse Science Center.

A few years ago I helped to found the Dipper Project, a research study designed to look at the effects of the Gold King Mine spill on avian life in the Animas River in Colorado. I’ve also lead tours for the Bosque del Apache Sandhill Crane Festival, Mesa Verde Bird Festival, the Durango Bird Club and The White Memorial Conservation Center.

During a real bird nerd phase, I helped to band birds on Great Gull Island, focusing on the Roseate & Common Terns, as well as migratory birds at Oxbow Preserve and hummingbirds at Mesa Verde National Park.

In addition to geeking out about birds, I’m also a Naturalist, Herbalist, and Photographer and made contributions to the new Peterson’s Field Guide to Bird Nests and ABA’s Birder’s Guide.

I love receiving your stories and questions if you have any. So, please send me a message whenever you like.


Kristi Dranginis